-It’s rarely an easy task to decide what to keep for storage and what to get rid of, especially when working under a deadline to be done by a certain time. Regardless of why someone is storing personal belongings, sorting and packing is almost always a seemingly overwhelming job and the experts from River Road Mini Storage in Paso Robles have a solution to help decide what to keep and what to move along to new owners.
Turning the decision making process into five steps helps make sorting and packing easier and faster.
Before starting, rent a storage unit of sufficient size to hold everything being stored and make sure the following items are on hand:
- Sturdy packing boxes in a variety of sizes
- Packing materials such as tape, protective materials like bubble wrap, labels, scissors and black markers
- Trash bags
Start in one room and have several boxes prepared plus trash bags, labels and markers on hand. Mark the boxes “storage,” “give away,” “donate” and reserve the bags for trash.
Start sorting and for every item picked up, ask:
- “Do I need this?” If the answer is yes, put it in a box marked for storage.
- “Does someone I know want this?” If yes, put it in a box marked for giveaway, call that person and tell them it’s waiting for them.
- If the answer to either question is “no,” put it in a donation box to be donated or a trash bag to be thrown out.
- Finish one room before moving to the next room.
The Paso Robles self storage management have some additional tips:
- If there is any hesitation about keeping something, keep it. There’s another chance to make decisions about what to keep or not when it’s time to unpack.
- Store needed items such as clothes, toiletries, cleaning materials, and necessary cooking and eating utensils in one or two cabinets or closets.
- Set up some boxes marked “family keepsakes” for those items we all have that we are hanging on to for sentimental reasons.
- At the end of each packing session, throw out the filled trash bags and put the donation boxes in the car to be dropped off.
- Making frequent trips to storage to unload boxes keeps the house from feeling cluttered and disorganized.
The Paso Robles self storage facility, River Road Mini Storage, has been serving the community since 1984. The safe and secure facility features:
- Personal coded controlled gate with seven day a week access
- Fully fenced well-lit facility with on-site security cameras
- Roomy drive-up access to all units
- Easy and affordable payments
The management takes pride in providing Paso Robles and surrounding communities with reasonably prices clean and secure storage units, managed with friendly and helpful customer service. The staff is available to help choose the best size of storage unit and answer any and all questions.
River Road Mini Storage
1631 North River Road
Paso Robles,CA 93446
(805) 239-4333